Evaluating Digital Library Services in Ghanaian Private Universities: Challenges and Strategic Advantages
Digital Library Services, Private Universities, Ghana, User Awareness, Training and SupportAbstract
Despite the potential benefits of digital library services in private universities for improving learning outcomes and information access, there is a lack of research on the extent of their implementation and use. This study examines the availability and utilization of digital libraries in private universities in Ghana. The objectives are to determine the extent of digital library provision, assess the current state of digital library services, and identify the benefits and challenges of these services. A mixed-method approach was employed, collecting data from head librarians and student library users at Valley View University (VVU) and Pentecost University (PU) in Ghana. The findings indicate low awareness and usage among students, highlighting the need for awareness strategies. Insufficient training and support were found to impact access, while user satisfaction was linked to experiences with digital library resources and interfaces. Recommendations include tailoring digital library services to meet users' academic needs, increasing awareness to enhance usage in private universities, and addressing gaps in training and support.
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