Usage of Online Public Access to Catalogue (OPAC) by Library Users in Catholic University College, Ghana


  • Silas Adjei Pentecost University Accra, Ghana
  • Isaac Kojo Agyeman Pentecost University Accra, Ghana
  • Patience Adetsi University of Ghana, Ghana
  • Franklin Owusu Agyei Department of Information Studies, University of Ghana, Ghana



Adoption, Online Public Access to Catalogue (OPAC), Library Users, Open Source Software, Information Technology, Library Services, Catholic University College, Ghana


The study examines the use of online public access catalogues (OPAC) at the Catholic University College of Ghana. The research aims to assess the awareness of OPAC among library users, analyze its usage, identify related challenges, and determine user satisfaction. A quantitative research approach was employed, targeting students at the Catholic University College of Ghana as the study population. Data were analyzed using version 25 of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The findings revealed challenges related to the limited availability of computers for OPAC systems, with users experiencing delays due to others occupying the available computers. Additionally, respondents showed a lack of sufficient IT knowledge. To address these issues, the study recommends that the library authority invest in more hardware or computers to improve accessibility. It also suggests ongoing training for patrons to enhance their IT skills and familiarity with the system.


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How to Cite

Adjei, S., Kojo Agyeman, I., Adetsi, P., & Agyei, F. O. (2024). Usage of Online Public Access to Catalogue (OPAC) by Library Users in Catholic University College, Ghana. Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 14(1), 40–46.