Awareness on Information Literacy of the Respondents in Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India: A Discriminant Function Analaysis Approach
Discriminate Function, Factors of Information Literacy, Information Literacy, Library and Information ServicesAbstract
The study relates to the importance of different library information services and information literacy variables in determining the information seeking behaviour of the sample respondents of Tamil Nadu AgriculturalUniversity. he contributing variables towards the awareness on information literacy are overall rating Library resources (X ), Information literacy satisfaction (X ), Number of e-resources (X ),Opinion about circulation (X ), 1 2 3 4 Opinion about user education (X ),Usefulness of current literature (X ) and Use of browsing internet (X ). The results 5 6 7 of discriminate function analysis have showed that out of 450 respondents, the percentage of correctly classified respondents was 70.7 % towards the awareness on information literacy. The percentage of wrongly classified respondents under awareness on information literacy groups is 28%. The percentage of wrongly classified respondents under unawareness on information literacy groups is 39%.
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