Online Information Seeking Behaviour of Scholars of University Libraries in South Tamil Nadu: A Study
Websites, E-mail, Internet, Information Technology, StrategiesAbstract
Information is considered as a useful commodity for routine life. For anything and everything information is required. Libraries serve as center for providing right information to the right people at all times information seeking is the process of searching for the information from the information resources. It is concerned with the integrated utilization of the three basic sources i.e. People, Information and System. A sample of 592 respondents have been selected on the basis of stratified random sampling method from a population of 2368 users of library, a structured, close-ended questionnaire consisting of 40 questions was used for collection of primary data. The information collected was analyzed using different conventional tools like tables, figures, averages, percentages and chi-square tests were also used. Primary data were entered in SPSS and analyzed. The analysis has been made fewer than four sections. The study discusses the general features of respondents, explains the availability and accessibility of online information by respondents, discusses the utilization of online information, nature of extracting and storing of information and the perception of the respondents regarding existing online information.
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