Strategic Enhancement of Public Library Functionality: The Role of Stakeholders


  • J. Chukwusa Delta State University Library, Abraka, Nigeria



Improvement Programmes, Stakeholders Involvement, Public Libraries, Stakeholders’ Approach, Functional Challenges, Delta State, Nigeria


This study is on Strategic Enhancement of Public Libraries Functionality in Delta State, Nigeria: The Role of Stakeholders. Descriptive research was used for the study. The population for the study was 229. However, the 28 Librarians manning the outreaches (public libraries) and their Assistants (28) as well as 44 non-professionals were purposively used as the sample size (100). The data collection instrument, the questionnaire had three clusters with statements on a 4-point Likert scale. The data were analyzed using frequency counts and Mean scores statistics. The study revealed that challenges hampering the functionality of public libraries include inadequate funding, insufficient qualified librarians, poor infrastructure, poor remuneration and inadequate public relation (PR) by libraries in that other; that the ways to enhance public libraries in Delta State and make them more functional include government provision of adequate funds, proper formulation of public library policies, employment of professional librarians to man the various sections of the library, and frequent organization of exhibitions of   resources programme in public libraries; and serious stakeholders involvement in public library Management. This investigation more than before echoed on the need for government as the main stakeholder, to make serious effort in terms of supervising, appraising and implementing, the public library initiatives (as enshrined in the National Policy on Education).


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How to Cite

Chukwusa, J. (2022). Strategic Enhancement of Public Library Functionality: The Role of Stakeholders. Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 12(1), 39–44.