A Scientometric Study of the “Journal of Postgraduate Medicine”


  • S. Geetha Research Scholar, Mother Teresa Women‟s University, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India
  • N. Thilagavathy Librarian, Dr MGR Janaki College of Arts & Science for Women, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India




Scientometric Analysis, Authorship Pattern, Degree of Collaboration, Collaborative Index


The subject of this paper is the Scientometric analysis of 601 articles printed in “Journal of Postgraduate Medicine” from 2013 to 2017. The study focuses on numerous aspects of the journal like the year wise distribution of articles, annual rate of growth, authorship pattern, authorship productivity,degreeof collaboration, and collaborative index. The maximum number of 153(25.5%) papers were published in 2017 and the minimum of 98(16.3%) in 2013. The study shows that the maximum of 201(33.4%) out of 601articles are contributed by more than four authors and the single author contribution constitute the minimum number 95(15.5%). It is analyzed that minimum AAPP as 2.12 with maximum productivity per author is 0.47 in the year 2017and maximum AAPP as 6.25 with minimum productivity per author is 0.15 within the year 2013. Overall the average degree of collaboration was 0.84, and the average collaborative index was 3.6.The range of AGR is between(31.9%) and (56.1%). This study might fecilitate people who would like to map the scientometric patterns of journals or establishments or individual.


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How to Cite

Geetha, S., & Thilagavathy, N. (2018). A Scientometric Study of the “Journal of Postgraduate Medicine”. Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 8(3), 41–44. https://doi.org/10.51983/ajist-2018.8.3.205