Mapping of Computer Communication Research Output among Indian Scientists (1976-2009): A Scientometric Study
Authorship Pattern, Computer Communication, Prolific Author, Research Productivity, Scientometric StudyAbstract
This study has analyzed the findings of a scientometric analysis of Computer Communication research publications in India during the period 1976–2009. The sample data was downloaded from the database of SCI, SSCI and AHCI from Web of Science. The search key term used for getting data is computer communication; the total number of records is 176. The methodology chosen for this paper is the scientometric method by way of growth rate, areas of research concentration, author productivity and authorship pattern. The study shows the growth rate has been varied during the selected periods. It is showed from this analyses that majority of papers are multi-authored. The ranking of authors based on their publications shows that ‘Aggarwal KK’ in first place with 12 records with 157 Global Citation Scores. The journals articles occupied the predominant place among the other sources of publication.
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