Information Retrieving Habits of Art Faculty Members at University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Utter Pradesh: A Survey
Art Faculty, Information Retrieving, University of AllahabadAbstract
This study identifies the information retrieving habits of art faculty members in University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Utter Pradesh including preferred information sources, type of information sources and methods of information access. In this study, questionnaire method was used to collect the information from art faculties of Ambedkar University, Allahabad. The findings of this study show that most of the respondents i.e. 85% stated their method of retrieving information by consulting a knowledgeable person in the concern field. 75% of faculty members retrieve information for preparing lectures. It is revealed that 87 % of the art faculty members used text book. On the basis of survey it is find out that Internet has been almost universally adopted and was mostly used as the search engine for retrieving information by respondents. It is observed that the majority, 81% of the faculty members faced common problem i.e. unavailability of information.
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