Job satisfaction among Female Library professionals working Central University Libraries of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh: A study
Work Performance, Job Satisfaction,, Library Professional, Information Communication Technology (ICT)Abstract
This study focus on the status of Job Satisfaction among female Library Professionals of B.H.U, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. The primary data for this study was compiled through satisfaction questionnaire. From the questionnaire nine factor of job satisfaction are assessed among the library professionals. The factors included in the investigation as nine independent variables were analyzed; Mean, standard deviation and variance standard deviation tools were used. The Results have shown most of them library professionals are 31-40 age groups, Sixty- four percent of them had 11 to 15 years of service. Therefore, the findings concluded that the library professionals display a high level of satisfaction. Library Professional with higher qualification was more satisfied with job than with less qualification. The findings of this research may serve as a valuable contribution to the uplifting of the library profession in India.
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