Measuring Service Quality at RYM Engineering College Library Bellary of Karnataka State: A LibQUAL +TM Approach
Service Quality, Gap Model, LibQUAL TM, RYM Engineering College LibraryAbstract
The objective of the present paper was to assess the library service quality of the RYM Engineering College, Bellary by using LibQUAL+TM instrument. The LibQUAL+TM instrument was developed in collaboration between ARL and Texas A&M University. It is an effective tool to easily identify service quality from the customer perspective. The LibQUAL+TM instrument is used as a survey tool for data collation. LibQUAL+TM instrument data enables to determine two types of gap analyses, which are gap between perception and minimum (Service Adequacy Gap) and the gap between perception and desired (Service Superiority Gap) based on the Zone of Tolerance concept. The targeted sample was 125 users. Out of these, 100 (80%) questionnaires were completed return from the users. Gap analysis theory and radar chart used for analysis of data collected. The results of the study revealed that the level of service quality only across minimum level and do not achieve the customers desired. This study helps to the RYM Engineering College library for knowing the library user satisfaction level and to improve the service quality to meet the library user’s expectations for sustainable competitive advantage.
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