Identifying the Special Requirements of Teen Library Users: An Analysis of Current Research Studies


  • RMSN Ratnayake Senior Assistant Librarian, Institute of Human Resource Advancement, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka



Teen Library Users, School Libraries, Public Libraries


 Though the researchers and librarians paid attention to children and adults, they have not recognized adolescents as a special category as library users till recent times. The researchers have emphasized that teen library users have special requirements in addition to conventional ones. Basically, they expect the libraries to act as an Information Gateway as well as acting as a provider of information and information access from the internet and database access to book circulation and reference services etc. They expect the library to act as a Social Interaction or Entertainment Space with a special area assigned to them to meet with each other and do group activities. Since the teens are expected to be prepared for future employment, the libraries should act as a Beneficial Physical Environment by providing information and training for jobs and skills development. To fulfil these requirements, the researchers suggest a collaboration between school and public libraries, since both cater for the same group of clients.


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How to Cite

Ratnayake, R. (2023). Identifying the Special Requirements of Teen Library Users: An Analysis of Current Research Studies. Asian Journal of Information Science and Technology, 13(2), 46–51.