Research on Electric Vehicles in India and USA: A Scientometric Study
Electrical, Electronic, Vehicle, CAGR, Collaboration Co-Efficient, Co-Authorship Index, Citation Profile Scientometric, Web of Science (Wos), India, USA, GlobalAbstract
This research paper aims to highlight quantitatively and qualitatively the growth and development of India and United States of America related to Publications and Citations in Electric Vehicles as per Web of Science (WoS) during research study taken for the period from 2011 to 2020. The objective of this study is to perform a Scientometric analysis of research Publications related to all Electric Vehicle in general. The parameters investigated were the growth rate of publications, author collaboration patterns, Co-Authorship Index, and Citation Profile. The Total paper published is 66,758 with 9,21,127 citations globally and India alone constituting 3,131 papers with 21,057 citations, USA authored 12,524 papers with 3,07,781 citations. With India’s higher growth rate of (26.93%), USA has only (7.74%) meeting global publications growth rate of (11.47%). The total Citation profile out of 15,655 publication papers were 4,112 (26.27%) which haven’t received any citations. India has total of 3,131 publications but 1,328 (42.41%) papers with null citations and United States authoring 12,524 papers published, out of which 2,784 (22.22%) did not receive any citations. The Maximum papers cited were from India and United States with 3,733 (23.85 %) papers in the range of 11-50.
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