A Scientometric Study on Yoga Research during 1989-2018
Scientometrics, Yoga, Web of ScienceAbstract
Yoga is a mind-body exercise. Yogic breathing is a unique method for balancing the autonomic nervous system and influencing psychological and stress-related disorders. Yoga breathing (pranayama) can rapidly bring the mind to the present moment and reduce stress. This article presents the highly cited papers from yoga research output using different scientometric approach both quantitative and qualitative methods. Scientometric data for the study has been collected from Web of Science online database. A search was conducted with the phrase ‘yoga’ in the address field. An analysis of 4090 publications published by scientists during 1989 to 2018 and indexed by Web of Science online Database indicates that the publication output. Most of the prolific authors are from the highly productive institutions. This work is to provide a profile of Research Publication at global level. This includes tracking the number of papers, scatter of papers over journals, and its effect on publication output, authors’ institutional affiliations and authorship patterns.
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