Bibliometric Study of Chemistry Literature in North Eastern Hill University During 2000 to 2010
Bibliometric, Chemistry Department, Authorship pattern, Core journal, Bradford’s lawAbstract
The main purpose of the study is to find out the scattering of Chemistry periodical literature in ‘North Eastern Hill University (NEHU)’ using bibliometric studies and to identify the core journal in this field. For the purpose of this study faculty members from Chemistry department have been chosen which comprise of nineteen faculty members and articles published by them in research journals during the period 2000 to 2010. The articles included in the present study were collected from NEHU institutional repository, Developing Library Network (DELNET) via Document Delivery Service (DDS) and also from ‘Web of Science (WoS)’ database of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). A total of 377 journals containing 4134 references were collected, MS-Excel spreadsheet and MS-Word were used to analyse the final data collected in order to generate tables, charts, graphs, etc. From the growth of literature on the subject of Chemistry the analysis of data showed that the nature of growth literature is not consistent as the number of publication varies in nature. In identification of core journals Leimkuhler model was employed and the following relationship of each zone is 5: 41 : 331 377 which fit into Bradford’s distribution.
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