Usability of Open Educational Resources Platforms among Students of Al Kabir Polytechnic, Jamshedpur, India: A Case Study
Usability, Open Educational Resources, Students, Al Kabir Polytechnic, IndiaAbstract
The usability of open educational resources (OER) among students from Al Kabir Polytechnic in India was examined in the study. The study was guided by one hypothesis and four research questions. A descriptive survey was used in the investigation. 1000 students from Al Kabir Polytechnic made up the study population, and a simple random selection procedure was utilized to choose the sample size of 300 students. The study’s sample size was determined using the Taro Yamane formula. A questionnaire was used to obtain the data. The results demonstrate that students used OER with a high level of awareness. Students reported that OER was very usable and that the biggest obstacle to actual OER adoption was a lack of digital proficiency. Lastly, the study demonstrates a strong correlation between student awareness and the use of OER. The statement implies that students’ knowledge of OER positively influenced their usage. The researchers proposed that the institution’s library and school administration should offer training on digital literacy to students and that lecturers and librarians should keep promoting its use to students to sustain OER use.
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