Indicators of Embedded Librarianship and the Effects on Practice by Librarians in Northeast University Libraries
Embedded Librarianship, Academic Engagement, Professional Development, Information Literacy Skill, Learning Management SystemAbstract
Concept of embedded librarianship has continued to attract attention in research and academic discourse globally, especially in the advanced countries. There is still growing interest to discovery of the perceived factors for a successful practice of the term among the developing countries. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Librarians’ information literacy skills, professional development, academic engagement and learning management use on practice of embedded librarianship. The study used Questionnaire to generate information from 355 librarians from 11 universities in Northeast, Nigeria. The result revealed that academic engagement, professional development and information literacy skill has positive and significant effect on embedded librarian practice while learning management system use failed to pose significant effect. Moreover, information literacy skill had positive and significant effect on academic engagement and professional development but failed to affect learning management system significantly. Also, academic engagement posed the highest effect on professional development, while learning management system use failed to produce significant effect on embedded librarian practice. The study concludes that embedded librarian practice is bright within the study environment, however, the use of information technology by the libraries and skill among the librarians was recommended.
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